Laughter is healthy…

According to the Mayo Clinic, “When it comes to relieving stress, more giggles and guffaws are just what the doctor ordered.”

laughter is the best medicine


Daughter: “Mom, what’s it like to have the greatest daughter in the world?”
Mother: “I don’t know dear, ask your grandmother.”

What do you call a mom who isn’t around much and can’t seem to get their underwear into the hamper?

Kids who want something say to their Mom: “I’m hungry, I’m tired, I’m cold, I’m hot, can I have…?”
Kids who want something say to their Dad: “Where’s Mom?”

A mother pointed and said to her daughter, “look at that girl over there; she’s not misbehaving.”
The daughter looked and then replied, “she’s probably got good parents.”

My name is Mom but to my toddler it’s “Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom” and to my teenager it’s “Mother-r-r!”

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For fun, can you solve this popular viral riddle?

If Teresa’s daughter is my daughter’s mother, what am I to Teresa?

A. Grandmother

B. Mother

C. Daughter

D. Granddaughter

E. I am Teresa

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